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Know more about Blanc Staffing Agency

Blanc Staffing Agency is a healthcare staffing agency in South Florida that matches healthcare professionals to employers and employees to healthcare professionals.

Our Mission Statement

It is our aim at Blanc Staffing Agency to be the top-of-the-head choice for the healthcare community’s staffing needs in Florida, through the consistent provision of high-quality services and unparalleled staffing insights. We also aim to help both healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities to reach their common goals of working in an environment that values them and making sure that their patients never run out of qualified help, respectively.

Our Vision Statement

We envision Blanc Staffing Agency to play a significant role in improving the community’s overall better health standards by matching the right healthcare professionals to healthcare organizations and vice versa.

medical workers smiling

Who We Are

As an organization running a healthcare facility ourselves, we understand the struggle of finding the best employees to matchyour agency. It is not a simple process of finding the people with the right qualifications, you also need to invest the time and energy of screening candidates to see if they match your organization’s vision and culture.

On the other hand, if you are a healthcare professional looking for a new healthcare organization to work with, you will not be a stranger to the difficulty of finding one that cares for your well-being and values your skills and strengths.

With us on the helm, you can find your ideal employee without the long process of going over the huge stacks of your resume on your desk or, if you’re applying for a job, of waiting for months and months for any feedback on the resumes you seemingly sent to the blackhole.

We at Blanc Staffing Agency can take care of the whole screening process, saving you precious time, effort, and resources that could have easily been used to develop the core services in your healthcare facility or bettering your skills.

Work with Us Today!

In a partnership of shared goals and values, you are on a better foothold than yesterday. Let us make sure you match with the right employee and vice versa. Get started by getting in touch with us here.

You may also go ahead and apply here if you are a healthcare professional looking to get hired, or you can start the process of getting the next great addition to your team by clicking here if you are an employer.